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Guidelines and tips

Listen to the Pros: they know how to sell on Docsity!

Here are the 3 golden rules of the best document sellers out there


#3 Set the right price

Charge a reasonable price

If your document covers a rare topic or is the only one of its kind on Docsity, it may be worth more! On the other hand, if there are many similar documents, be careful not to set the price too high.

Find your selling style

Whether you want to sell a lot at small prices or a few exclusive documents at higher figures, the important thing is to find your way. Explore, experiment, and maybe combine both approaches.

Keep an eye on documents and prices

After uploading, always check how your document is performing. If it gets few downloads, consider lowering the price. If, on the other hand, it's doing very well, try raising it! Oh and don't forget: use the professor's page or the search bar to check other students' new uploads. Never lose sight of the competition!

tips for seller illustration

Doubts? Here's some advice from the top sellers

#1 Optimize your documents#2 Get found#3 Set the right price

Get your sales off the ground

Now you are ready, all that's left is to give it a try!

Sell documents

Looking for more tips?

If you're looking for more pro tips, check out the complete guide. In it, you'll find all the tricks from the best Docsity document sellers!

Do you have any other questions? Contact us now